oxycodone false positive assay

oxycodone false positive assay
Not sure I can, but oxycodone, oxymorphone, hydrocodone, hydromorphone are very similar in pronunciation. Is it possible that the wrong test was ordered?
COPE: Urine Toxicology for Patients Receiving Opioids • Why order Urine Tox screens? - to look for substance abuse (illicits or prescription)
False-Positive Tricyclic Antidepressant Drug Screen Results Leading to the Diagnosis of Carbamazepine Intoxication
Rational Use and Interpretation of Urine.
oxycodone false positive assay
COPE: Urine Toxicology for Patients Receiving Opioids
Oxycodone False Negative Urine Test - Ask.
Drug of Abuse Testing Disclosures/conflicts of interest April 14, 2011
01.10.2009 · Free Online Library: False-positive DOA testing results due to prescription medications.(CLINICAL ISSUES) by "Medical Laboratory Observer"; Business Health
1 Drug of Abuse Testing April 14, 2011 Matthew Krasowski, MD, PhD University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Medical Director, Clini cal Chemistry Laboratory
Urine testing for norcodeine,. Phencyclidine false positive induced by.

06.11.2010 · Case 1: A 62-year-old male arrived to the emergency department in extreme psychosis. All positive results on the urine drug screen could be accounted for
Naltrexone False Positive Drug Tests False Positive Drug Screens .